Hotpoint RFA52P Fridge / Freezer Thermostat
The easiest way to find the Hotpoint Fridge / Freezer Thermostat you need is to use your Fridge / Freezer model number. If you are not sure how to locate this then try our handy Model Finder Guide. You can buy your Hotpoint Fridge / Freezer Thermostat online or call our helpful UK-based sales team on 0844 55 72 510 for further assistance.
Fridge / Freezer Thermostat: 1 - 6 of 6
Hotpoint RFA52P Fridge / Freezer Thermostat Danfoss 077B3281
Genuine spare part
Type: Danfoss 077B3281 Type: 250 If you have noticed that the temperature in your fridge or freezer is not being correctly regulated, there could... More information
Hotpoint RFA52P Fridge Freezer Thermostat 077B6584
Genuine spare part
Type: Danfoss 077B6584 250 volts This replacement thermostat has been designed to be a controlling device that allows you to adjust the temperature... More information
Hotpoint RFA52P Fridge Freezer Thermostat Danfoss 077B6584
Genuine spare part
Type: Danfoss 077B6584 250 volts If you have noticed that the temperature in your fridge or freezer is not being correctly regulated, there could... More information
Hotpoint RFA52P Thermostat Control Knob
Genuine spare part
Colour: White The thermostat knob allows you to accurately control your fridge freezers settings. Avoid wasting money and energy on incorrect or unnecessary... More information
Hotpoint RFA52P Thermostat Box White
Genuine spare part
This replacement thermostat has been designed to be a controlling device that allows you to adjust the temperature inside your appliance. If the thermostat... More information